Program November 2nd, 2024
Check out the Saturday program below. Find the Friday program here.
Please note that the program is subject to changes.
Saturday November 2nd
Today, we start a bit earlier than yesterday: you are welcome as of 8:15 AM!
8:30 - 9:45 Language Labs
Language Lab French - by Hélène Colinet
Language Lab Dutch as a second language - byJanique Vanderstocken
Language Lab Breton - by Daniel Kline Dubois
Chat with your colleagues, go for a short walk or browse the bookshop.
10:15 - 12:00 Language Labs + Debrief
Language Lab French - by Hélène Colinet
Language Lab Dutch as a second language - byJanique Vanderstocken
Language Lab Breton - by Daniel Kline Dubois
We offer you a lovely lunch with tasty food for everyone. Please let us know if you follow a special diet! The lunch break is one hour, so you can take your time chatting with friends, and meeting new people.
13:00 - 14:30 Workshops - round 3
Workshop Movie Talk by Tina Abour
Workshop CI without burnout byJill Wiley.
Workshop Brain Friendly Comprehensible Input by Marianne de Best
Chat with your colleagues, go for a short walk or browse the bookshop.
15:00 - 16:00 Workshops - round 4
Workshop Not your Gramma's grammar by Teri Wiechart.
Workshop Story Listening for everyone by Albert Subirats.
Workshop Exams and grading for CI byTina Abour
Chat with your colleagues, go for a short walk or browse the bookshop.
16:30 - 17:30 Ask any question
In the great hall, all presenters are available for questions. Walk around and listen to other people's questions, or approach any of the presenters to ask your own questions.
For those who are interested, Jill Wiley will give a quick (10-15 minute) presentation on how to promote summer reading for students and how to incorporate it into the yearly book order or do a separate one so parents can order books for summer reading.
A special conference like this one cannot end without a proper closure. Also, let us know what you thing of the conference and don't forget to grab your goodie bag on your way out!