The follow-up course for teachers who already teach with CI or TPRS
Have you attended the Basic Course and are you starting to feel comfortable with teaching based on communicative comprehensible input? Does teaching focused on natural language acquisition suit your teaching style and would you like to add more essential CI skills to your toolbox? Then this course is exactly what you are looking for.​
All courses and trainings of Dynamic Language Learning are based on the fact that comprehensible communication is essential to all language acquisition. Reading and focussing on grammar are also done based on this principle.
In the first day, you will learn how to read short and long texts with your students in an interactive way. By doing activities before, during and after reading, you can trigger interest, make sure all students know what they are reading and have them re-read parts of the text. The need for repetition in order to stimulate language acquisition goes for reading as well! The activities also provide an opportunity to give your students more oral language input.
The second day will give you three ways to address grammar in a brain friendly, active manner: through movement, with visual cues and through ultra short mentioning and questioning. These techniques allow your students to focus both consciously and unconsciously on grammatical elements in a text.​
Our courses are meant for teachers of world languages/foreign languages and teachers of second languages (Nt2, ESL, ...) who work with elementary/primary students, middle school / high school / secondary school students or adults. With our courses, you will lay a solid foundation for teaching with communicative comprehensible input. In a later phase, you can add specific CI-compatible activities and strategies to your toolbox through one or more of our workshops.​